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So, you've got a working agreement. Now what?

You’ve done the hard work. You’ve sat down with your team, rolled up your sleeves, and crafted a working agreement. A beautiful, shiny document that outlines your shared values and how you’ll work together. But now what? How do you turn those words on paper into everyday actions? 

Leaders are the torchbearers

We’ve all heard the phrase, “actions speak louder than words.” This is truer than ever to have effective team leadership. If you want your team to live and breathe your working agreement, you, as a leader, need to have an effective leadership strategy and embody it.

  • Demonstrate, demonstrate, demonstrate: Show your team what it looks like to live the agreement. Pick 1 or 2 items from the team agreement and actively demonstrate those in the next two weeks.
  • Reflect and recall: Take some time to reflect on your actions. Can you recall instances where you've embodied the agreement? Share these stories with your team. It reinforces the importance of the agreement and shows your commitment.
  • Give and receive feedback: Feedback is a two-way street. Share your observations about how your peers are living the agreement, and be open to receiving feedback yourself also. It’s a powerful way to encourage growth and development.

Let’s take more of a carrot rather than stick approach

Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool. When you see someone living the agreement, call it out! Public recognition can be incredibly motivating. But it’s not just about the big, public gestures. Private, one-on-one feedback can be equally impactful. Let people know when they’re doing a great job, and why. This will encourage them to continue these behaviours.

Addressing challenges

It’s inevitable that there will be times when someone steps outside of the agreement. When this happens, it’s important to address it with care and directness. Have a one-on-one conversation, focusing on the behavior, not the person. Refer to the specific part of the agreement that was breached. The goal isn't to punish but to correct and learn.

Building new habits takes time. As leaders, you’re setting the tone. By modeling the behaviors you want to see in your team, you’re creating a ripple effect. Your team will watch you, learn from you, and eventually mimic your behavior.

Weaving the agreement into your day to day

To make the agreement a living, breathing part of your culture, you need to embed it into your processes and systems.

  • Recruitment and induction: Use the agreement to attract and onboard new team members who share your team’s values.
  • Performance reviews: Align performance expectations with the agreement.
  • Meetings: Start your meetings with a brief check-in on how you’re living the agreement.
  • Regular reflection: Dedicate time each month to discuss whether we’ve noticed the agreement has played out

Remember, consistency is key. If you say one thing and do another, the agreement becomes meaningless. Be honest with yourself. Are you truly living the agreement? If not, what can you do differently?

A practical starting point

So, how can you put this into action? Start small. Perhaps introduce a reflection question into your leadership team meetings: “Can you share an example of how you lived the agreement in the past two weeks?” If someone struggles to come up with an example, can you offer support so they can pick 1 thing from the agreement to practice over the next two weeks.

Remember, leadership is about influence. If you can lead by example and create a culture where the agreement is valued and lived, you’ll build a stronger, more cohesive team. It’s not always easy, but it's incredibly rewarding.

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