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What is a working agreement and why your team needs one

A strong building requires a solid foundation. Similarly, a high-performing team needs a starting point to build trust, efficiency, and shared purpose. This is where working agreements come in. They serve as the foundation for collaboration, providing a clear framework for how team members interact, communicate, and work together.

Just like a foundation supports the entire structure, a well-crafted working agreement underpins every aspect of team dynamics. It's more than just a document; it's a living agreement that evolves as the team grows and changes.

Let's dive into why working agreements are essential for building collaborative teams.

What is a working agreement?

A working agreement is essentially a social contract within a group. It’s a document or shared understanding that outlines how people will work together. It’s about defining expectations, values, and behaviors. Think of it as a roadmap for collaboration.

It’s important to distinguish a working agreement from a set of rigid rules. It’s more about creating a shared understanding and a commitment to working together effectively. It’s a living document that can evolve as the group does.

Why create a working agreement?

You might be wondering why you need a working agreement when your team seems to be functioning okay. The truth is, even high-performing teams can benefit from a clearly defined set of shared expectations. Here's why:

  • Improved communication: By explicitly stating how the team will communicate, you reduce misunderstandings and conflicts.
  • Increased efficiency: When implicit expectations are made explicit, we better understand how to interact and work gets done faster and with less friction.
  • Enhanced collaboration: A shared understanding of how to work together encourages a more collaborative environment.
  • Stronger relationships: Openly discussing and agreeing on how to work together can strengthen team bonds.
  • Increased accountability: When expectations are clear, it’s easier to hold each other accountable.

Who needs a working agreement?

The short answer is: any group of people that need to collaborate. 

Whether you're a small, remote team or a large, in-office department, a working agreement can benefit you. They are particularly useful for teams experiencing conflicts, undergoing significant changes or when new people join a team. They are helpful if the group need to improve performance, create a positive work environment or need to collaborate with external groups.

When to create a working agreement

The best time to create a working agreement is when a team is forming or undergoing significant changes. However, it's never too late to create one. If you feel like your team could benefit from a clearer understanding of how they work together, it's time to start the conversation. Working agreements can also be useful for workshops, training sessions or whenever a group of people need to work together to achieve a common goal or outcome.

The benefits of a working agreement

Creating a working agreement is an investment in your team’s success. When done right, it can lead to:

  • Increased productivity and efficiency
  • Improved team morale and satisfaction
  • Stronger relationships among team members
  • Better problem-solving and decision-making
  • A more positive and collaborative work environment

So, are you ready to take the first step towards building a high-performing team? Creating a working agreement is a great place to start.

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